Jennifer Usselman

Jennifer is a woman passionate about introducing others to Christ, the One who changed her from the inside out. She is a Bible teacher, speaker and author, Co-founder of LovingPeopleFully and Hope’s Garden Maternity Home, but most importantly, a redeemed daughter of God. She enjoys facilitating and teaching women’s Bible studies and groups. She is a devoted wife, mom, friend, and daughter who enjoys spending time with loved ones and reading great books, the Good Book (God’s Word) being her top favorite. She also enjoyed writing her book: Choosing to Choose Better: How Living More Like Jesus Changes Everything


Disciples on Fire: Passing On The Torch - Panel Discussion

As the Olympic torch-bearer passes the flame, so the mentor passes along the Holy Spirit’s fire of encouragement, support, and guidance! Join the conversation as an experienced panel of mentors share their various styles, approaches, and life experiences in mentoring and discipleship. You’ll be encouraged and equipped to empower those you are mentoring to “run and not grow weary” in the race of life, and help them to lead productive and triumphant lives.