Felicia Brown

Felicia Brown is a loving mother to her energetic two-year-old son and soon-to-be newborn daughter, and a devoted wife to her husband Aaron Brown. Her husband’s near-death experience in 2022 that turned into a successful organ transplant has served as a strong teacher of humility and has set her on the path to strengthening this virtue. Together, they serve as the head pastors of Portland Open Bible Church in Southeast Portland.


From Burnout To Bliss: Restoring Joy In Ministry

When a fire is low on fuel, and its flame is down to a flicker, it is sure to burn out unless action is taken to rekindle it. Likewise, ministry burnout can happen for a lot of different reasons unless we are intentionally being renewed and re-energized by the Holy Spirit. The good news is that burnout is not inevitable, nor irreparable. During this breakout session, we will dive into God’s Word to explore some examples in Scripture, as well as discuss some of the common dynamics that can lead to burnout. You will discover ways to renew your relationship with Jesus, refresh your vision, and actively take steps to move forward with the help of the Holy Spirit and other mature believers. Whether you want to proactively prevent burnout, or you are in a place where you are stirring the ashes trying to hold on to hope, this session is for you! Take heart, there is hope!